Wednesday 18 May 2016

Layouts for Weebly

Unit 22: Single Camera Techniques


  1. Homework Report on Genre (Individual)
  2. Homework report on Formats (Individual)
  3. Homework Report on Narrative (Individual)
  4. Practical Portfolio of Single Camera filming Techniques (with your annotations) (Group)
  5. Analysis of 3 x Short Films (Individual)
  6. (additional - Your webisode and mini-evaluation if you did this)

22.2 Pre-production work - (group's task) 

  1. Storyboard 
  2. Risk Assessment
  3. Shooting Script
  4. Production Schedule
  5. Recces
  6. Shot List
  7. Permissions and Clearances
  8. Call Sheets
  9. Equipment List & Booking


  1. Your Final Short Film (Individual)

Unit 16: Editing Techniques

  1. Timeline on the development of editing Early, Modern and Contemporary Directors (Individual)
  2. Timeline on the development of Linear to Non-Linear technology (Individual) 
  3. Practical Portfolio of Techniques and Transitions with annotation of purpose and development (Group Task)
  4. Video Guide with Commentary Pt 1: Development of Editing Techniques & Transitions (Paired Task)
  5. Video Guide with Commentary Pt 2: (Paired Task)
  6. Conclusion - Comparison of Editing Techniques in the work of contemporary Directors (Individual)
16.2 Prepare for editing
  1. Images of your logging, creating bins and viewing rushes for "She" (Individual)
  2. EDL images (Individual)
  3. Editor's log (Individual)
  1. "She" 5 minute edit (Individual)
  2. Your final short film edit (Individual)

Friday 13 May 2016

Your Future - write your reference 1

Starter: Prove it! (guess 3 skills and match the student)

Mind map: the skills from each section - how can we demonstrate this

Prove it - where is the evidence from this year?

3 minutes: Select all the sub-skills (the branches off the core skills) you can demonstrate
Pick your top 3 that you are strong at 

6 minutes: For the top 3 - PROVE IT - where is the evidence? If someone followed you with a camera where what does this evidence look like - a D for your film, Paid work? Director? Always meet deadline? Refer to tasks, activities and briefs.

10 mins: Write 3 sentences for these 3 sub-skills and evidence: Use the exemplars from last year to help you use Persuasive and Sophisticated Language

Hand these in with your name.

6 mins: Looking at the resources below (what I wrote about previous students last year):

1. Highlight any words I could you about you
2. Question Mark ? any words you don't know
3. Which paragraph describes you best?

Homework: Complete this writing another 500 words on your blog
Is a motivated, mature and strong group leader, who has excellent attendance and is willing to contribute creative idea and make use of feedback to improve. He is competent in his shooting and editing skills, and has a good understanding of film production processes. He has met all deadlines for tasks.

Is a forthright and capable creative student, who has the potential to excel at the subject. X is developing her focus and maturity to demonstrate some effective leadership skills. She has produced highly proficient creative video work, and was committed to producing this to meet deadline to a very good standard of shooting and editing. With continued effort on her learning disciplines and habits, X would be an asset to any production team requiring a director.

Has demonstrated good commitment towards her production projects to ensure completion to a Merit level, has proficient skills in camera and editing. She has good attendance and is able to produce work to meet deadline. Works effectively as a team and individually. X responds effectively to feedback and can be relied on to complete and use her initiative, she is a positive and friendly student, who with focus can develop her skills further to produce a strong practical portfolio to match her level of understanding in her written work.

A likeable, friendly and highly committed student, who responds well to feedback and is able to act upon it under her own initiative. Works highly effectively as part of a team, often taking leadership and contributing ideas and solutions. Has highly proficient shooting and editing skills. Has been an outstanding member of the class in her dedication and work ethic.

Enthusiastic, motivated and easy to work with student, who responds positively and constructively to feedback. Works highly effectively as part of a team, will work off her own initiative contributing ideas and solutions. Has highly proficient shooting and editing skills. Has been an outstanding member of the production class in her dedication and work ethic, and sensitivity in giving feedback to others.

A reliable and good production manager, X is able to approach problems and situations laterally with confidence. She is a forthright and level headed individual. Good attendance and commitment to location shooting. Has highly proficient shooting and editing skills. She is a reliable member of the group.

Enjoys the freedom of a college environment, and has developed some reliable independent learning skills. Has proficient editing skills, and made a strong contribution to ensure her group production was delivered to deadline. Is developing her ability to meet her targets.

Good work ethic, easy to work with and able to act positively upon feedback. Is able to come up with creative ideas and the ability to adapt to practical restrictions. Is committed and made a concerted effort to ensure his film project was completed to deadline and to a good standard. Has proficient shooting and editing skills, and is keen to develop his practical confidence, along with consistency of the depth of explanation in his written reports.

Is quiet but reliable and able to complete given tasks. Is a good team player, who has the potential to develop his confidence towards some of the qualities of leadership. He has competence in his shooting and editing skills and has the potential to develop these further also. He will willingly contribute his ideas and understanding towards class discussions when asked. Has a good level of understanding in his written work of the units covered so far.

Is modest, but positive and reliable when give tasks to complete. He has competence in his shooting and editing skills and has the potential to develop these further also. He will willingly contribute his ideas and understanding towards class discussions when asked. X has taken an important creative role towards the group production work, and to an extent can work on his own initiative.

Is pleasant and easy to work with. A good team player, she is able to contribute to group tasks and take responsibility for her progress. She has a level of competence in her shooting and editing skills and has the potential to develop these further. X will willingly contribute her ideas and understanding towards class discussions, and can support her peers with their learning. She has a good level of confidence in her presentation skills. X has demonstrated a secure understanding of the units covered in her written reports.

Is a positive and likeable student, who has demonstrated strong commitment to her studies. She is a confident and forthright individual who is willing to contribute her own ideas and perspectives to class discussion voluntarily. She has strong editing skills, and is developing her framing and composition. She is a reliable student with very good attendance and can work using her own initiative to produce work and problem-solve.

Is an excellent student – conscientious, committed and highly motivated towards achieving the best she can. X is a confident, positive and pleasant student, who responds well to feedback and takes forward advice and suggestions. She is able and willing to support other students with their learning and works well collaboratively. X has produced Distinction level production work and pre-production portfolio, and has worked diligently to ensure work is to the best standard and submitted to deadline.

Is a hardworking, pleasant and sensitive student, who is able to work independently to take responsibility for her progress. She responds well to feedback and is able to act upon some of this when supported by reliable peers. She has proficient shooting and editing skills and has shown commitment to ensure high quality work is delivered to deadline. She has a sincere desire to achieve and has demonstrated an effective work ethic .X has the potential to further develop her leadership skills and confidence. She has had strong attendance.

X is polite and sociable, and enjoys the freedom of a college environment. She has demonstrated proficient editing skills, and is able to contribute towards a group production. With focus, she has the potential and ability to engage more actively and successfully in the creative aspects of the practical-based units, and develop her commitment to her portfolio.

Is a positive, supportive and creative student, who has demonstrated some good leadership skills along with a level of competence in shooting and editing and has the potential to develop these skills further. He has good attendance, and can be relied upon to complete tasks independently to an effective standard. X is able to respond positively to feedback and carry out improvements with some assistance. He has a good work ethic and whilst focused will try to the best of his ability.

Is an able yet reticent student, when focused he can contribute insightful comments and problem-solving solutions. Has demonstrated proficient editing skills, and is able to take responsibility for his role and contribute towards a group production. He attended all meetings and video shoots. With focus and preparation, X has the potential and ability to engage more actively and successfully in the creative aspects of the practical-based units, and produce a good quality portfolio to match his confident level of understanding. Given a position of leadership, I am confident X will develop good project-management skills. He has good attendance.

Monday 9 May 2016

Titles - how to film using studio, backdrops and set-building

What you will do today: Present your Storyboard/Animatics for your Titles
Organise your shoot and use of non-watermarked stock footage

Pass: 30 second Rhythmic Montage, shot and framed correctly, includes Titles and sound that conveys some sense of genre and clues to set up the film

Merit: Use of well-composed shots (C.U.s), depth of field, genre conventions (Props, Locations, Colours), Tonal (Thematic) Montage, creates mood and sets tone for film 

Distinction: Creative use of editing and Integrating Titles, artificial low-key lighting and Intellectual Montage (symbolism), memorable and original

TITLES DEADLINE: All Shooting completed by Friday 

FOR STUDENTS RESUBMITTING PRE-PRODUCTION PORTFOLIO: You have until Friday to complete the work here: 

Friday 6 May 2016

Titles and Graphic Design

Starter: Graphic Design, come up with 3 styles of Graphic for your Film Title

Task 1: Design your Titles using the Post Its as a Storyboard Sequence

Task 2: Animate them using Moovly in the style of Saul Bass OR Apply them in the mac suite using Final Cut

Wednesday 4 May 2016

Reading Titles - Symbols and Thematic Montage NOT Narrative sequence or scene

  1. What did you see that was significant?
  2. What did it symbolise? (associations, links, meanings)
  3. What genre (and why, how could you tell from what was going on?)
  4. What do you think the Narrative  clues?
  5. What are the themes of the Series?
  6. How did they integrate the title?

Sunday 24 April 2016

Work outstanding from students

1.3 Core Unit - No evaluations

22.3 short film production - incomplete/missing
Nigel - flash frame of black, no evidence of edit, no sound needed for M
Kiera - no film

2.4 pitch resubmission