Monday, 19 October 2015

Week 7 Homework Half Term (due 2nd Nov)

Homework: Complete your analysis of 3 Short Films (Horror or Thriller Genre) for your report

 c)     Looking at 3 Short Films, look at the technical aspects in terms of how they use cameras, lighting, sound and editing.

Analyse the whole Short Film and discuss how they have been constructed in order to appeal to and entertain the audience, using subject terminology.
  1. A blog post or Video Commentary that explains the use of the following in the Short Films:
  • Narrative structure used 
  • Format (Short Film is Single Drama)
  • Thriller/Horror Genre conventions (Props, Costume, Location, Colours, Makeup/Effects)
  • Technical (Camera, Editing, Lighting, Sound)

Short Films to consider (Pick 2 and 1 of your own):

Prep: Remake this (Very) Short film Shot for Shot (don't use a gun - fingers will do!)

6.1 SCT Task 1c Resources: Editing Analysis

Editing Overview

Pass: Describe the use of and effect the editing adds to the film?
  • Genre
  • Mood/atmosphere - effect on audience
  • Character
  • Narrative - Linear/Non-Linear
  • Rhythm or Pace of cuts/transitions

Merit: Explain the purpose - why it has been constructed this way?

  • Rhythm or Pace - time
  • Narrative (Non-Linear)
  • Create a certain mood or atmosphere

Distinction: Analyse meaning and how it overlap with the meaning constructed by the Mise-en-scene (Costume, Props, Location, Lighting, Colours), Camera and Sound.



6.1 SCT Task 1c Resources: Sound Analysis

Sound Analysis


Objective: To consolidate understanding of how sound and images create meaning

Pass: Describe the Meaning the sound adds to the film?
  • Genre
  • Mood/atmosphere - effect on audience
  • Character
Merit: How does the sound work together with the images and use of editing?
  • Sound and what is onscreen
  • Rhythm or Pace of the music and the cuts/transitions
Explain why it has been constructed this way?

Distinction: Analyse meaning and how it overlap with the meaning constructed by the Mise-en-scene (Costume, Props, Location, Lighting, Colours), Camera and Editing?

Pass: What Sounds do you hear - Diegetic or Non-Diegetic? How does it change?

Merit: What is the purpose - mood, atmosphere, reasons?

Distinction: What is it telling us about the character, his situation?

Friday, 16 October 2015

Homework & Progress Record

Wk 1
Camera & SCT ad/disa
Wk 2
Narrative, Format & Structures
Wk 3
Pre production report
Pitch (Narrative & Format)
Wk 4
Preproduction Portfolio
Prep (FSA)
Webisode production

Wk 5 (FSA)
SCT Portfolio (Task A)
Pt 1: Videos & description
Pt 2 Apply & explained
Wk 6 (FSA)
SCT Report 1 (Task B)
Wk 7 (FSA)
Final SCT Assignment (Task C)
Roopa A
U - Inc. WT Pass   Elements of Merit
U - Incomplete (WT Pass) no examples
WT Pass with elements of M
WT M explains multi-stranded & non-linear then cuts off!

Pt 1 & 2 complete with comments on exp & adv/disad WT M/D?

Calvin A
N late
U - did not submit

Pt 1 partially complete but needs further description of how to and not all videos - better attempt through

Kenny A
P (not applied to BB and incomplete)
Complete but Plagiarism para 1
WT Pass

Pt 1 Complete w/annotation

Lawrence A
Inc, but Pot M – warned plagiarism definintion
U - Incomplete & plagiarised, lacks examples applied
WT Pass

Pt 1 Complete with description & Pt 2 explained mostly with stills from webisode WTM

Nigel C
U - Incomplete
Merit - big improvement, complete, detailed and his own work, well presented with explanation and own examples.
WT Pass with aspects of M

Pt 1 incomplete – 1 video only

Jordan C
WT Merit
U - Inc. no formats or narrative. (WT Merit) but incomplete

Pt 1 videos generally complete no annotation on each post

Ashley D
Attempt but incomplete (pot WT M)
U - Inc, no formats, narrative or genres. Own work (WT M pot)
WT Pass some understanding syntax and form issues

Pt 1 incomplete – has videos but description not detailed in how to. Pt 2 Has been started needs stills WTM but needs to complete Pass criteria

Ugonna E
Merit. Excellent, own work, complete and full examples provide with care in presentation
WT Pass with some Merit aspects
Merit – detailed and explained

Pt 1 partially complete

Deniesha F
WT Merit

Pt 1 incomplete – all videos no annotation

Eunice G
Done but Cannot see it
WT Merit, detail in examples
Late TBC

Pt incomplete – all videos but no annotation

Luke G
U – Inc (Pot M), but no Format or Narrative – just Intro
Late TBC

No attempt yet

Dejhanea G
WT Merit – complete, detailed & own work

Pt video there but no annotation

Tommy G
Incomplete but good attempt (pot towards M)
Incomplete current Pass (some pot Merit)
Incomplete NYA
P – Twice refers to short film – not webisode confused on serial. Refers to Narrative & Single strand. Genre good

Pt 1 & 2 – needs stills and annotation together but all content there

Kiera G
U - Plagiarised and incomplete

BB cam – P.M
WT Merit (with elemenst of D) – own work now and complete
WT Pass, missing 3:  Materials and Codes of Practice and Crew

Pt 1 complete with most annotation

Rosie H
U Plagiarised almost entirely, few examples and lacking complete  description just outline (sub Pass)
U - Not submitted
On Roopa’s phone

Pt Videos but no annotation

Tamaira L
M. Excellent effort & thorough with explanation
Merit explanation & detailed

Pt 1 video there with most video annotation

Micheal O
Merit – thorough and detailed, well presented
Pass (pot M) but plagiarism warning.

Incomplete only 1 video no annotation

Tim O
U – Almost entirely plagiarised
WT Pass

Pt 1 partially complete and lacking detail description annotations – but improvement

Ese O
N – Prezi link incorrect
WT Merit, complete and detailed, needs sustained exp and more detailed ex
U – Not submitted

Pt 1 complete

Maya S
Merit good attempt but incomplete
Merit complete, detailed and confident understanding, not plagiarised and well written with examples. best submission
WT Pass

Pt 1 mostly complete with Pt 2 started, exp needs stills & adv/disadv WT M

Shanee S
Merit detailed
WT Merit, + detail example, has purpose & effect
WT Pass

Pt 1 & 2 Complete exp & adv/disad notes - Excellent W.T. D

Dan S
Secure Pass w/pot Merit needs detail examples), plagiarism warning
WT Pass

Pt1 & 2 complete to M, adv/disadv?

Dan T
U - incomplete and Plagiarised. Limited own interpretation & no examples. No class notes from worksheets provided evidenced 
WT Pass
WT Pass, describes but cannot apply convincingly

Pt 1 Videos but no annotation

James W
L incomplete but good attempt P
Inc – no comparison of SC & MC or genre but good attempt on Nar & Format WT M
WT Pass elements of M
WT Merit – explains idea though not Teen drama

Pt 1 & 2 complete with some detail WT M. Needs Adv/disadv