Unit 1.11 Financing a project
1.11 Financing a project
Use Financing the project as a sub heading in your report.
Guidance: in this section of the report you will explore the ways in which a media project can gain funding. Briefly describe each of the possible ways of getting funding below and include examples. When you come to describe the ways you might get funding for your project offer some more detail on those methods and your particular strategy.
There are a number of ways to get a film project financed and you need to investigate these and work out how much cash you would need and where you would get it from.
The main areas for funding of low budget films and music videos are as follows:
Government funding
National and Screen Agencies
Local councils
Production schemes and competitions
Private investors
Crowd funding (this link is an example of how one can get funding through crowd funding- this could work as a strategy for you via Facebook or Kickstarter- although you might only get a few hundred or thousand pounds. . .unlike Mr Braff)
The links below offer more information on these areas.
-Write up a section of your report which outlines and describes some of the main ways of securing funding for a film. (Describe each of the above briefly and include examples of agencies and organisations where possible)
-How will you go about generating the money you need? (Be specific and include details on agencies and funding organisations where possible)
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