1. Introduction
"The purpose of this report is to get pitch and sell the idea to producers to get the film made..."
Use persuasive language
Introduce your primary and secondary research and summarise what you found out, who you asked and who the film will appeal to. What kind of budget?
Name of the film and genre
2. Film Synopsis
2 x sentences max that encapsulates the idea overall (ie the set up)
Twist at the end and the hook.
Influences on idea
3. Film Rating
Which and why (content - BBFC guidelines)
4. Primary Research
What you did and results
Target Audience & profile
Their response to the idea
Preferences form social media
5. Secondary Research
What you researched and discovered, and your findings/conclusions
What the idea is based on - short stories, news articles, song lyrics
What you know about this subject that builds on this
Trends in this genre and standout moments (twists, screen moments) you may be influenced by
6. Summary of all research (conclusions)
7. Unique Selling Point
What is the USP
Why are you confident this will be successful
Narrative structure/alternative or continuity style
8. Budget
Overall budget and breakdown
Funding sources
9. Regulation & Certification
10. Revisions and changes/development of idea
11. Locations
12. Distribution
Netflix, Film Festivals
13. Evaluation
14. References and bibliography
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