Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Unit 1/22 Pre-production planning 1 minute film Deadline 12.2.16

Objective: To complete your Pre-production Documents for your groups 1 minute Short Film
Click Here for all the templates linked via the task sheet

Unit 1.1 Be able to prepare pre-production documentation 
Unit 1.2 Be able to apply pre-production planning for a specific media production
Unit 22.2 Be able to plan a single camera production

What you have to do: 

1. Pre-production Portfolio consisting of:

2. Production Log

2.P2 generate outline preproduction documentation for a specific media production with some assistance

2.M2 generate competent, carefully presented and detailed pre-production documentation for a specific media production with only occasional assistance

2.D2 generate thorough and comprehensively detailed pre-production documentation for a specific media production, working independently to professional expectations

22.P2 generate outline plans for a single camera production working within appropriate conventions

22.M2 generate detailed ideas for a single camera production showing some imagination and with only occasional assistance

22.D2 generate thoroughly thoughtthrough ideas for a single camera production showing creativity and flair and working independently to professional expectations

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