Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Unit 2 and Unit 1 Progress H/W Record

Unit 1
P1: learners will simply list the requirements for a specified production, giving brief indications of where or how the specified requirements will be sourced. This list may contain one or two minor omissions but will be substantially complete. It will not contain any explanation of why the requirements are as they are and there will be only minimal consideration of codes of practice or regulatory issues.

M1: learners will show good understanding of pre-production requirements for the proposed production and these requirements will be set out in some detail. Some thoughtful consideration will be given to relevant codes of practice and regulatory issues. Learners will be able to explain why the requirements identified are important and will give reasonably well-detailed explanations of how they will be sourced.

D1: learners will show an excellent understanding of the requirements for the proposed production and will be able to explain fully why each element is required. Learners will give detailed explanations of how these requirements will be sourced. They will give full consideration to codes of practice and regulatory issues. Fuller and more extensive explanation and a higher standard of presentation will discriminate between this grade and the merit.

Unit 2
P1: when conducting research for assignments and reports learners will be able to select and review information from different sources such as books, the internet and appropriate materials that will aid them in their work. Information will be selected from these sources with some attention to its suitability and relevance to the work being undertaken.

P2: learners will produce a report in the appropriate context that contains information relevant to the topic being studied. Their use of language will be sound but somewhat basic and restricted more to description rather than exemplification and may contain some basic errors of spelling. Similarly, evaluative work will be basic and tend more towards descriptions of decisions and processes such as, ‘for this task we decided to work in a group of two, which I was happy with as I like Jan and we get on.’

P3: work will have been reviewed and revised using both a grammar and spell checker as well as being individually proof-read. As a result, spelling errors will have been corrected but there may still be mistakes such as ‘where’ for ‘were’, ‘super’ for ‘supper’ or ‘their’ for ‘there’ that have not been picked up. Work will also still contain some basic punctuation and grammatical errors where learners have not adequately reviewed their work.

P4: choices of presentation technology for a pitch will be generally sound and appropriate use will be made of that technology throughout. Learners at this level will tend to choose more simplified software such as PowerPoint and though visual aids or graphics will be unsophisticated and typically not be clearly linked to the content of the pitch they will nonetheless provide the basic relevant information. P5: in assessing ‘appropriateness’ the context of the pitch needs to be taken into account. For this grade it is sufficient for learners to understand and use the right tone, style and register for the occasion

M1: when conducting research for assignments and reports learners will be able to select and review relevant and appropriate materials from a variety of different sources such as books, magazines, articles and the internet. Information extracted from these sources will be focused on the purpose of the research and will be recorded and summarised with precision and accuracy.

M2: learners will produce written work that contains information highly relevant to the topic being studied. Their use of language will be good, going beyond mere description and providing more detailed exemplification. Similarly, evaluative work will be less descriptive and focus more on discussion of decisions and processes such as, ‘for this task we decided to work in a group of two, which I was happy with as I like Jan and he always takes a positive attitude to work.’

M3: again all work will have been reviewed and revised using both a grammar and spell checker as well as being individually proof-read. As a result, spelling errors will have been corrected and only minor errors will remain. Work will occasionally contain punctuation and grammatical errors where learners have failed to adequately review their work.

M4: the presentation technology selected will also be generally appropriate and will be utilised correctly, containing relevant text and supporting materials such as web pages, screen-shots, clip art, animations, graphs and charts, though this illustrative material may not always be explicitly linked to the pitch. The structure of presentations will be sound, though transitions may sometimes be used inappropriately.

M5: when undertaking oral presentations learners’ language skills will be generally good and they will be able to express intentions and ideas clearly; there may, however, be occasions when they are less clear. Register will be appropriate to the situation or audience and engagement of the audience will be generally good, with only occasional lapses. Attention will be paid to any questions the client or tutor may ask them although these may not always be fully responded to. Overall language skills will be adequate for learners to communicate ideas and deal with more complex material.

D1: when conducting research learners will select and review highly relevant and well-targeted materials from a wide variety of different sources such as books, magazines, articles, leaflets, journals, television and radio programmes and the internet. Detailed and precisely focused information will be selected from these sources and will be fully and precisely recorded. The information extracted will reflect a thorough understanding of its relevance and suitability.

D2: in written work learners will always choose an appropriate format. Sentence structure will be very good and show increasing complexity. Evaluative work will be of a high standard and contain detailed and precise exemplification, with justification of decisions and processes such as, ‘when we first reviewed our product with the focus group we found that we received some negative feedback regarding our use of generic codes. In particular over three quarters of respondents associated the iron bar used as a murder weapon with a mindless thug rather than an intelligent psychopath. Because of this we decided to change the murder weapon to a sword stick. This suggests cunning as it is easy to conceal and then produce suddenly in front of the victim. We also thought it had a bit more class to it.’

D3: effective use of appropriate software and proof-reading will mean that work contains very few or no spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors.

 D4: the presentation technology selected will be appropriate and will be utilised with a high level of competence, containing highly relevant text and supporting materials such as web pages, screen shots, clip art, animations, graphs and charts which are explicitly linked to the content of the pitch. Slide shows will be well structured and fluent, transitions being used to support the flow rather than being a distraction from it.

D5: personal communication skills will be consistently good and when undertaking oral presentations, learners’ language skills will be of a high standard. They will be able to express themselves clearly using a wide range of vocabulary, speak with clarity using a good vocabulary and deploy that vocabulary with accuracy and confidence. Register will always be appropriate to the situation or audience and learners will engage and maintain their audience’s attention throughout the presentation. Language skills will be adequate for learners to communicate complex ideas and material. Listening skills will also be good with learners showing a readiness to take in and respond fully to questions.

Week 14
Ideas & Research into Short Film/Pre-production requirements
Week 15
Research Portfolio & Log
Week 16 Proposal
Week 17
Pitch PPT
Week `18
Pre=production Report Draft
Roopa A
Some detail, mood board wtc Uses film as a starting point but not many examples looked at.

You need to identify the target audience - 15+ do not watch short films

WT M1:
WT M You must make sure you post the clink to the article and highlight the relevant text
Also annotations inconsistent

A good variety of resources researched
M2: learners will produce written work that contains information highly relevant to the topic being studied. Their use of language will be good, going beyond mere description and providing more detailed exemplification.

Good effort
Ensure you cover USP and Trends for D

The draft is very detailed and has some connection to research - very good effort.
Add to this and update with your final idea/locations etc

WT M2:
Calvin A
Only 1 example of short film & target audience http://calvinshortfilm.blogspot.co.uk/2016/01/week-14.html

Treatment of idea
Mood board

Research some articles highlighted and some (needs more) annotations:
Articles on writing & RMT box office

No Log
In progress

Kenny A

Lacking specific identification of the audience however some evident in terms of size.
Your annotation contains some detailed explanation for WT M
The Draft Preproduction report also has some WT M but requires more exemplification from evidence to achive the M
Research is incomplete
Annotations do not fully explain relevance
Layout and presentation is confusing and the portfolio has not been sectioned off by content
Minimal research here - needs a variety of sources to gain the P such as articles and websites as well as videos

P1: when conducting research for assignments and reports learners will be able to select and review information from different sources such as books, the internet and appropriate materials that will aid them in their work.
You must write consistently in paragraphs and take care over the presentation. Use Word first and make corrections then paste as a final document into Blogger
There is no bibliography as requested
Lacking specific identification of the audience however some evident in terms of size.
Your annotation contains some detailed explanation for WT M
The Draft Preproduction report also has some WT M but requires more exemplification from evidence to achive the M
Lawrence A

Audience Profile attempted and uses research method on youtube Follow up your audience research with social networks to view profile
Some research into infleunces or artciles etc
Follow up your audience research with social networks to view profile
Minimal research here - a lack of variety in the sources and aspects
Although you have highlighted and annotated, there is not enough here
WT M go beyond mere description and provide more detailed exemplification using your research ie trends, USP, if there is a market for it and why/how you would distribute it 

Some aspects have exemplification referring to Industry prcatice,. but not sustained or sufficient to get the M
Nigel C
Some purposeful research here, try and follow up to identity the age and gender and interests of the target audience (as well as their comments)
Purposeful, add to this a case study linked to your film idea and consider the article about Netflix and the BBFC
You also need to consider would they reguate youtube - find evidence to prove this
Behind with
Influential factors/articles/soap storyline and why this would be popular
Identifying a specific film festival that would be suitable and why
Regulation is covered and you have looked at 1 festival but no annotation
Behind with 
Influential factors/articles/soap storyline and why this would be popular
Identifying a specific film festival that would be suitable and why
Regulation is covered and you have looked at 1 festival but no annotation
Not started
No draft
Jordan C

Some purposeful research though no examples of Short Films looked into (ie no understanding of what they are or genre – you could expand on what you looked at for short films and looked at their audience)
No evidence of who the target audience is but some comments looked into as to what they responded to

research portfolio has the highlighting but not consistent annotations to show relevance

Real world influences New articles
IMDB influences/Box office feature films (no annotations on budget etc)

No regulation
No distribution (festivals or Netflix or Youtube)
No Guidance for what makes a good short film

Needs annotations for P

Some progress with this but some also wildly outlandish claims – that Raindance will screen your film? Need to annotate the articles to show what you have learned before you go back to this

Ashley D
NYA This is ungradable as a proposal as there is no evidence of any target audience research or influences from existing texts to underpin it
Where is your?
Research Portfolio (2 weeks homework)
Proposal Draft (1 weeks homework)
This is ungradable as a proposal as there is no evidence of any target audience research or influences from existing texts to underpin it
Where is your?
Research Portfolio (2 weeks homework)
Proposal Draft (1 weeks homework)
No submission

Ugonna E
No Christmas tasks completed (3 weeks!) No audience research or analysis of platforms, initial ideas, investigation into SHort Films on Youtube and how popular - guyaranteeing your audience, what they commented to show what they want, Trends etc
Some WT M content here but not consistent to secure it yet

Articles needed (only websites so far)
Greater explanation of the annotation in how you would submit, why this is relevant to your short film
No Proposal Drat

Deniesha F

No evidence of target audience or reference to how you found this out.
No short films actually investigated - none of this has no research trail.
Your brief is a short film not a webseries
The draft outline of the pre-production report contains some relevance but locations are not suited to the genre you are making - there is no justification of why this is
WT P incomplete and lacking research
Nothing posted
Nothing posted

Eunice G

Mood board
Audience research and examples of \short Films on Youtube
Research into
Film Budgets with Highlighting and annotation – no links
Kickstarter is minimal – not whole site copied or any details as to how
BBFC rating considered
Guidance for writing (no annotation)
Distribution via festivals – some basic

Proposal in progress

Luke G

Audience is identified through reference to a short film on the playlist (only 1 )
However no evidence of actually looking at the profiles ages or comments – lacks research evidence

The idea is developed and Pass

Incomplete – no highlighting of the full articles, references to links/bibliography or just annotations

There is a lack of convincing research demonstrated here

2 areas incomplete BBFC resghulation and Wht would OFCOM regulate it?

Incomplete research has not been fully carried out to complete proposal
12 year olds? No purposeful research into audience from xmas homework

Dejhanea G

Convincing Research 

Box office – add to net post 

Kickstarter - How do you go about doing this?
Pick a Case Study to show how the process works and if it would be suitable for you
No proposal Draft

Tommy G
Audience research for 1 Short Film looked into only
Aimed at 15-18???

Well behind, 2 x film reviews – no highlighting has box office results BUT has annotations

No regulation
No distribution (Film fests, Netflix)
No Influences from real world
No screenwriting guide
No funding

UPDATE ONLY 1 article I 1 week of homework…
To get M you must explain why this is relevant to you idea - how this will inform what you will do

This is not a research log

The audience research could be purposeful - IF you explain how your idea relates to this film
TRENDS? only 1 film - also this is nearly 30 years old
No proposal

Incomplete NYA 1 paratgraph
Kiera G

The portfolio is not organised and is difficult to assess in its presentation
You need to separarte this out into the tasks
Primary research
Secondary resesarach - broken down by category ie funding etc
There are still areas that have bnot been highlight and the full link to the resource is not posted.
The last article is all annotated - only the relevant part ought to be
There is no annotation to explain why this is relevant or will impact on your idea - or even describing what the article etc is.

Your target audience research need some factual proof that the audience for short films is 15 - they clearly are not - look at the age of the actors for a start!
Look on imdb or the social networks for their profiles
You need more sources such a videos and articles - where is your research into Real Events or short stories etc?
Mixed together with NYA

The portfolio is not organised and is difficult to assess in its presentation
You need to separarte this out into the tasks
Primary research
Secondary resesarach - broken down by category ie funding etc
There are still areas that have bnot been highlight and the full link to the resource is not posted.
The last article is all annotated - only the relevant part ought to be
There is no annotation to explain why this is relevant or will impact on your idea - or even describing what the article etc is.

Your target audience research need some factual proof that the audience for short films is 15 - they clearly are not - look at the age of the actors for a start!
Look on imdb or the social networks for their profiles
You need more sources such a videos and articles - where is your research into Real Events or short stories etc?

Rosie H
You have looked at comments which is good and comment on what they expect. There needs to be more of this.

"Through my research I have discovered the most who enjoy watching horrors and thrillers are between the ages of 14 to 35" - no you haven't, and no they are not 14...

Where is the research into lots of examples of Horrors you have found? Only 1? Articles that have influenced the idea?
Articles of real news or short stories etc influencing your idea
Box office takings
Audience Research
Funding via Kickstarter
Netflix research
What makes a good short film
"My idea was influence by the film 50 shades of grey" - where is the research to back this up? This targets 14 year olds???

Proposal is incomplete
No introduction
No audience or market for this film or Trends


Tamaira L
purposeful research into target audience and youtube as a platform
Your draft pre-production report is P WT M - needs additional detail in terms of crew roles and responsibilities.
Incomplete Research
Audience Trends
Articles of real life influences/News Stories

WT P A variety of sources used with description of what they were and some explanation of how they will impact on idea

Disctrinution WT P Limited sources used with description of what they were and some explanation of how they will impact on idea - how do you submit a film?

What about Youtube?

No research into Netflix - can you actually get your work on there? How?

Regulation – no annotation

Influences WT M no articles news

Finding WT M
Uses research to re-enforce proposal selling approach
Be mindful that  this is 2 x reports here, separate them out into 2 posts and work on individually

Micheal O

Research into target audience and examples of a Short Film on Youtube – need more
Also idea and requiremenst draft done with Mood board

Some articles but not enough for each outcome – has annotation mostly but limited highlighting some areas no research carried out

Lacks understanding of and research articles into BBFC ratings PG16
Funding – lacking research nothing into Kickstarter, just responses
Research into Budgets and review for 1 box office film influenced
Some research into what is a short film – not how to enter or what they are for
Some research into how to write a short film BBC
No research into

WT M - developed
Only include research that is relevant to your idea
Your hook is by definition not a twist
Needs to be more convincing in its persuasion - look at the exemplar. the research ought to be what makes this convincing

Tim O
No audience research, or Short films researched,
Only outline of idea
Research Summary section of the Portfolio has summary annotations but not highlighted articles

Draft Proposal started

Ese O
Mood board but audience research is lacking here along with looking at examples of articles and real world material that has influenced the idea
A variety of research annotated and highlighted
Lacking Youtube video research into examples
Not started

Maya S

To improve
Explain how this will limit, shape or affect your idea eg: what certificate will yours have to be because...

Real world influence ie News articles:
"Real world influence
Good collection of work here - you have looked at 3x short films on youtube (include these in your research log)
You need to identify a target audience for them so you know who you are making this for - however you make a good and substantiated point about the psychological impact on young audiences
No draft

Shanee S

Research Log M a wide variety of sources all evaluate for relevance

Consider the remaining area of research such as news articles, advice on writing short films, Regulation of age certificates etc

In short convince me there's an audience and it will be seen based on your research
2M & 1P

Needs linking to research facts and figures to Some thoughtful consideration will be given to relevant codes of practice and regulatory issues. And  be able to explain why the requirements identified are important and will give reasonably well-detailed explanations of how they will be sourced
Dan S
·     Week 14: Task 3
·     Week 14: Task 2

Purposeful research into audience though the other 3 short films done for unit 22 not looked into audience. Need to definitively identify who they and look at comments of what they liked about short films – follow up with profiles on facebook or twitter Ideas are strong and developed with links to influences and images for mood board WT M
A bit confused and again lacking further detail in terms of 
investment and funding
how and why your film should be shown at a festival and which are appropriate
what aspects the BBFC would consider and whether they would actually be involved anyway - pick a case study for an existing film to look at how this was regulated by them
Influences are good
What about the trends - you cannot then discuss USP without convincing me there is a trend in this genre
Netflix, Youtube distribution?

Annotation of why this is relevant needed
Needs greater specific details as to how you know this and the role of film festivals - a good start but much more detail needed to convince of someone of investment

Dan T

Good - some purposeful research here.
Can improve by following this up with more examples of short films and their audience on youtube rather than just 1 - also can follow up using facebook for a full profile and how many views it has received

incomplete - what does this show, also this is not a moodboard, where is the horror or thriller iconography (conventions of location, props, costume, key scenes etc - this could be mistaken for a teen urban romance. Use thinglink to present more carefully and select GENRE conventions. This may be as your research into the short films has not been thorough
Some good initial research - do not forget to include the links to the articles, also you need to consider the exhibition on Youtube, Netflix and which film festival would be suitable and why.
Research incomplete:
Box office of influencial feature film
Articles and real life influences on idea
Guidance on what makes a good short film
Trends analysis of horrors or thrillers

Started but incomplete

James W
Audience research is lacking
Idea is not based on any articles or news stories
Only 1 Youtube video looked into for a short film – no conventions establised
No submission
No submission

Not fully complete and there is some  professional practice informing this but not complete
Lacks . Some thoughtful consideration will be given to relevant codes of practice and regulatory issues. Or How to sources

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